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Theatre is a springboard  to every change 

Antoine Vitez

You want to shift from “I” to “We”


You want to federate energies

You want to boost and bring new drive to your team(s)

You are launching a new structure or project

You want to develop pleasure and creativity with your team

You’re merging multi-inter cultural teams …


A creative and fun approach, largely inspired by theatre.


Theatre is part of Avant-Scène’s DNA. It has always held an accompanying role in the corporate world, developing people and building teams.

It stimulates innovation and self-control.

It enables people to identify and express their emotional potential.


Benefits for the team

  • The strength of a team: achieving together what was considered to be impossible. 

  • Developing creativity: thanks to the “group effect”and confidence of others.

  • Enjoy being part of a team: playing federates. It is the driving force of action and challenge.

  • Giving sense to collective action: theatre plays with symbols, it gives food for thought.


Benefits for the Individual

  • Self-discovery: know how to step back, listen to others… and to self.

  • Letting go: physical involvement, opening up.

  • Taking risks: essential to any change, to any new way of doing.

  • Charisma and self-confidence: tools of leadership and self-value.


Examples of team-building and creativity games inspired by theatre:

Improvisations, Stories without words, Moving pictures,  the Ideal Machine

Mock trials: (based on games of consequences)


Management - Communication

Développement Commercial

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+33 (0)6 12 10 42 10

SARL au capital de 31 500 € créee en 1992 - 9 rue iVictor Basch - 94110 ARCUEIL. Organisme de formation enregistré auprès de la Préfecture de Région Ile-de-France N°1175 4683575

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